Candi Mendut,Java,Indonesia.

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

It's almost 4 days do not post, because I am busy with my Exams Face would soon and my internet connection has been exhausted so I need a refill pulse back and Registration,
but for those of you loyal readers I am not Unread kwatir because I will still post about wsata in Indonesia,
this time I will give you more info about the temple, you want to know what kind?

Mendut Mendut located in the Village, District Mungkid, Magelang regency, Central Java. Mendut is a temple which is located east of a straight line triad enshrinement (Borobudur, Pawon, Mendut). The temple is located about 3 kilometers east of Borobudur Temple is a temple that is Budhistis1 built by King Indra of the dynasty dynasty. However, exactly when this temple was founded by King Indra is not yet known with certainty.
A Dutch archaeologist mentions that in the inscriptions found in the village of Karangtengah bertarikh 824 AD, states that King Indra has built a shrine named Venunava meaning bamboo forest. And, if this is true, then the estimated Mendut founded around 824 AD.

Mendut made of andesite stone with the overall building area is 13.7 x13, 7 and 26.4 meters high new-found by Dutch archaeologists in 1836. Then, in 1897 and 1904 on the body of the temple was renovated, but the results are less satisfactory. New in 1908 restored the temple up to the peak. And, in 1925 a number of stupas that have been trimmed, mounted and rearranged.

On the inside of the temple there is a room containing the altar where the three statues of Buddha are still in good condition. All three statues are starting from the far left is Vajravani Bodhisattva, Sakyamuni Buddha seated cross-legged with hands turning the wheel of dharma, and the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in position holding lotus flowers placed on the palm of his hand. Today, in front of these statues installed an iron fence to avoid excessive visitor interaction.

Decorative building
Mendut building has many decorative or relief, ranging from the legs, body to the roof. The following is a description of these reliefs. On the wings of the stairs, there are reliefs of a turtle being flown by two male swans. How to fly it is to use a stick that dicengkram at the edges by a goose, while the turtle to bite the middle of the stick. While in the air, many people who look and act mocking both types of animal. Because not bear the ridicule, the turtle let go so it fell to the ground and eventually die. In addition, there is also a staircase in the wing of reliefs depicting the story of a Brahmin who rescued a crab / crab from the disturbance of birds and snakes.

At the foot of the temple are decorated heaven (heaven), a relief depicting a man was sitting surrounded by flowers and leaves that distilir and relief of a monkey sitting on crocodile's back, decorated with flowers around it. In the outer temple wall reliefs found Tara who was sitting under a tree meditating kalpataru and reliefs of the Buddha who was standing between the pillars and take shelter under umbrellas.

The entrance to the temple decorated with reliefs Kalpataru. Kalpataru derived from the Sanskrit language. This term is a combination of the word "kalpa" and "taru". "Kalpa" means "desire" or "hope" and "taru" means "tree". So, Kalpataru can be interpreted as a "tree of hope". Components of a complete kalpataru consists of six elements: a tree, clamp animals, vases / flower vase, strands of beads or pearls, chattra / umbrellas and birds. Meanwhile, inside the temple room there is a relief Hariti. Raksasi Hariti is the name that often prey on small children. However, after receiving the teachings of the goodness of the sage Gautama, she became a good raksasi, no longer takes the children and even be protective or foster mothers. Furthermore, Hariti often gets the title as the Goddess of Fertility.

Other reliefs similar to Hariti found on the southern wall, which is Yaksa Atavaka. Just like Hariti, Yaksa Atavaka is a giant who likes to eat people. However, after becoming a follower of the Buddha and his teachings know, he turns into a giant is good and not wild anymore. Relief Yaksa Atavaka depicted sitting on a throne beneath which there is no purse, containing money and surrounded by children. Yaksa often referred to as Kuvera or God of Wealth.

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